For the VegHead, we started by opening Photoshop. We then had a split screen with the VegHead Start and a blank page. We used the quick selection to move the gourd. Then when we moved that over, we moved the blueberries as the pupils using the elliptical selection too. They carrot was moved as the eye using the elliptical selection again. Next, we used the quick selection tool to move the mouth(kiwi). We then proceeded to move the pear using the magic wand tool and changing the tolerance. The bowtie pasta was moved using the Magnetic lasso. We had to go over the entire bowtie and trace it to get the entire outline. For the hat/mushroom, we used the quick selection tool. The ears were moved using the quick selection tool. We just outlined the grapefruit slice and not the peel part. the last part of the face we moved was the radish as the eyebrow. We used the rectangular marquee and the magic wand to outline and move it. We also had to duplicate the parts of the face that had multiple ones. Last, we found a picture of a kitchen, saved it, and added it as our backround.
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